School Calendar and Lesson Planner

I am always up for improving things and finding better ways of getting things accomplished. I am however, way behind the times with my school calendar and lesson planning technology. I have always had my yearly calendar and lesson plans in a spiral notebook that I find at a local teacher store. That means, I have been HAND writing everything! Not this new school year. What a concept to have your calendar and lesson plans typed on the computer. I have no idea why this concept did not enter my brain sooner. I am so grateful to all the blogs I follow and shops online that have helped me get ideas to make this work for me.

My first WOW moment was when I read Leslie's post at Kindergarten Works about her binders and and saw her calendar template. She has so many ideas and great advice about organization and planning. I took her idea and created something I think will work for me. I think it is all a work in progress, so I will have to see how it goes. But, I am super excited about trying it!

I couldn't stop at just having my school calendar on the computer, now I am working on tweaking and adjusting templates for my lesson planning. I have always had all 5 days of the week across two pages. However, I was searching TpT for some ideas and came across Nicole Shelby's template from Teaching With Blonde Ambition at TpT. Her lesson plans are all on one page for each day. At first I wasn't sure I could make the switch from seeing all 5 days at once, but I took the plunge and I am going to try it. I will post pictures of my final products once make all the adjustments.

What do you use for your yearly calendar and lesson planning? I would love to hear your ideas.

1 comment :

  1. Google Calendar! I can access it anywhere, provide access (viewing or editing) to parents, student, and teachers, and add as much (links!) detail as I want.
