
Common Core Standards Checklists

I have spent the last couple of days making standards checklists for the new Common Core Standards. I am really concerned about making sure I teach of the standards since our reading and math series are not solely designed around the common core standards. I want to make sure I keep track of when I teach each standard so I can quickly and easily make adjustments if I need to.

 I have created checklist packets for kindergarten, first and second grade. Each ELA and MATH standard has been specifically color coded for easy use. (If you have my ELA and Math vocabulary cards for second grade, the color coding matches the standards checklist). Next to each standard there are boxes where you can document when you teach the standard, as well as when you assess the standard. I am going to keep mine with my lesson plans so I can have it handy. But it would also work great in a data binder if you use that as well. Here is an example of what one of the pages for the ELA Foundational Skills standard looks like for second grade:
I am super excited to use this in my classroom this year during my planning time. It will help me to see which standards may need to be taught more or less depending on the group of kiddos I get each year. I like visuals and I think this will help me "see" the map of teaching the Common Core standards better. 

To get a copy for your classroom just click on your grade level below.

First Grade
Second Grade
If you are an upper grade teacher and are interested in these checklists, just email me and let me know.
Happy planning!

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