
First Day Jitters Linky

I can't wait to link up with Ashley at Fierce in Fourth for her first ever blog hop about First Day Jitters.
I will be starting my 14th year of teaching and each morning on the first day of school my husband laughs at me because I spend most of the morning dry heaving in the bathroom from all of my nerves. He thinks I am crazy (partially true) and always says, "How many years have you been doing this?" He's right. My mind knows he is right. But my body goes in a different direction!

Here are 3 things I am jittery about:
1. Half of the students coming into second grade will be from new schools this year. I teach at a magnet school and we open up another class in second grade, so we accept a lot of students from outside of our school. This can be good and bad. I have found that many students don't come prepared and haven't been "trained" to have high expectations for themselves. There is a learning curve. I am hoping I am pleasantly surprised.
2.Am I prepared??? I have been preparing since April actually. But, I always feel like I could be more prepared. I have my first two weeks of school xeroxed, outlined and prepped but it still does not put my mind at ease.
3. Will I connect with my class? Will we get along? Will they learn what I teach them? Will I make a positive impact on their education? their lives?

I hope you will link up too and share your first day jitters as well. We all have we know we are not alone!


  1. I just found you through another blog. Come visit us sometime. Your newest follower, Stephanie

  2. You seem like such a thoughtful teacher. I know your kids will love you!

    I'm so jealous that you are so organized for your year already! I haven't even moved my things into my new room!!! Yikes!

    Your newest follower,
    Kinder Journey

  3. I found you through the linky and can understand feeling so nervous for the first day of school. This is my 16th year of teaching and it never seems to be less stressful. I too prepare forever, but never seem to get too far ahead. I'm always finding new things to do and make, especially now that I've found pinterest. I'm a newbie blogger and I'd love to see you hop on over and check out my blog.
