
Monday Made It AND Planning a Giveaway


I think I should have researched the DOs and DON'Ts of this project before I began. I saw these cute clipboards all over Pinterest. I read a couple blogs where people had said how easy they were to make, so I decided to make my own. I must say-YUCK! What a fiasco! What I thought was a cute, simple, easy project turned out to be my own nightmare. I was so excited to a make them. I went to Target and bought new clipboards. I went to Michael's to pick out cute scrapbook paper (5 for $1), spray adhesive glue and spray Modge Podge. I also wanted to decorate the front AND back of each clipboard. I figured you see the back more than the front anyway because the front usually has papers covering it. Right away, I found out that my 12x12 paper was a bit short for the clipboard (annoying). So I decided to add pieces to the top. I used spray glue to adhere it to the clipboard and no matter how much I used, the corners lifted. I was gluing and re-gluing without much luck. I sprayed it with Modge Podge hoping that would seal it better-WRONG! At this point, I was so frustrated, I wasn't sure I wanted to attempt the back side. Come to find out, the back side was easier to complete than the front because there is no clip to get in the way. My mom was helping me with this project and suggested we use regular Modge Podge instead of spray. Ok. At this point I'll try anything. When we used the regular Modge Podge, it started to ripple the paper. AWESOME! (hint of sarcasm here). Then I sprayed them with clear acrylic so they would not be tacky. Here are the finished products, front and back views.

They look cute. I'll use them. But I am not in love with them because they are not perfect or at least near perfect and they were a lot of work to make. I would love to hear any words of wisdom from any of you that have had success with this project. I would love to make more but I just don't think it's worth it at this point. Sorry for my diatribe, but I guess not every Monday Made It has to be a success story, although that would be nice.  On to my next project....

My next project which I am SUPER excited about is my 100 Follower Giveaway! I turned on my computer yesterday and was school-girl giddy when I saw that I had over 100 followers. So, I am going to plan a thank you giveaway to all you amazing blogging friends out there. I am going to be giving away some of the items in my store. I also have a couple projects I am working on that I would like to have up before the giveaway starts. If any of you are interested in donating items to my giveaway I would LOVE it! Please email me at or leave a comment after this post letting me know.  Thanks so much everyone! Have an amazing Monday!


  1. I made some clipboards with just scrapbook paper and duck tape. My clipboards must have been a little smaller than yours because the 12 x 12 paper was perfect fit. I just lifted the clip and slid the paper into it. Then covered the edges with duck tape. No Mod podge needed. Although as I'm saying this, I realize I might need a way to protect the paper. Maybe the clear acrylic would help.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  2. I'd love to help with your giveaway. Congrats on 100 followers!

    A BLT adventure

  3. I admire that you told it like it is. I'm about to try and complete my clipboard project that I started over a year ago and I'm glad to know that it isn't as easy at it first appears.

    Found you through the newbie blog hop.
    Your newest follower,
    Kinder Cuties

  4. I was glad to read about your difficulty making the clipboards. Despite trying all the directions and tips, I too cannot get them to come out without wrinkles in the paper. I have tried 3 times, maybe one more....

  5. These clipboards are amazing! Thanks for sharing!!
    ☼ Kate
    To The Square Inch

  6. I did all 27 of my clipboards using mod podge. Turned out great. I did run into the same problem with the paper being a little smaller so I just hot glued some ribbon at the top :)


  7. I'm not sure what type of clipboards you used, but mine leave about an eighth inch around each edge. I actually liked it because it allowed me to really stick my edges. I would also recommend using regular mod podge under and over the paper. Let the "under the paper" dry a bit before you add the "over the paper" mod podge. This really reduced the bubbles underneath. If you have a pastry or fondant roller that is great too! :) Mod Podge now sells tools which really made things EVEN easier. Are your clipboards "wooden" or cardboard? That might make a difference too... Good luck!
