
The Versatile Blogger Award

Happy 4th of July!
I am so honored to have been chosen to receive the Versatile Blogger Award from Sara over at Ramblings of a Deaf Ed Teacher's Mind...

                             My Photo

Here are the rules for this award:

1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you. (CHECK!)
2.  Include a link to their site. ( on button)
3.  Include the award image in your post. (CHECK!)
4.  Give 7 random facts about yourself (CHECK!)
5.  Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. (CHECK!)
6.  When nominating, include a link to their site. (CHECK!)
7.  Let other bloggers know they've been nominated. (In Progress...)
7 Random Facts About Myself...
1. I met my amazing husband on a blind date in college and we have been together ever since. We will be celebrating our 11th Wedding Anniversary next month.
2. My mom and I taught at the same elementary school together for 10 years before she retired.
3. My husband has brainwashed myself and my children to love the Chicago Cubs :) and we aren't from Chicago!
4. I am a foodie. I love watching Top Chef and enjoy going to the restaurants those Chefs have opened near us. 
5. I love to cook, but have little time to do it. So I am very big on 30 Minute Meals for weeknight dinners.
6. I have my Master's in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
7. I spend most of my days at the Little League Fields with my two boys and husband.
My Nominees for the Award

1st Grade with Miss Snowden



From Blood to Books!

Apples and abc's

Blissful Days in 2nd Grade

Fun in Room 4B

Heather's heart



Congratulations! These are some fabulous blogs. Please stop by and check them out!


  1. Thank you so much!!

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog so I could find yours :) I'm your newest follower!
    Stories by Storie

  3. Thank you so much sweet made my day brighter. =)

    Heather's Heart
