
Back To School Jitters Linky

Back to School Jitters Linky Party
I am linking up with A Turn To Learn for a Back To School Jitters Linky Party! Here are some of my first day jitters:

Today is my first "official" day back to work. We have meetings today and tomorrow all my new little loves will be joining me for the first day of school. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly and we all have an amazing first day of school!!! I look forward to reading about your first day jitters. Link up and share your jitters today!

Just a quick reminder, today is the last day of TpT's Back To School Sale. Make sure you get all those wishlist item you have been wanting to get before school starts for an amazing price! The picture below will take you to my store where everything is 20% off! Thank you to everyone who has purchased items in my store and provided all the wonderful feedback. You are all incredible! Thank you soooo much!

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  1. I feel your nervousness about implementing Common Core. We are in the process of that as well.

  2. I'm nervous about Common Core as well!

  3. I'm actually kind of jealous you have common core (we don't have it here in Texas). I've seen so many great resources for it. Good luck with your first day-ours is very quickly arriving too!


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good luck tomorrow!


    The Kindergarten Teacher

  5. Everyone seems to be nervous about Common Core, but honestly they're not too bad once you get used to them! I love what you said about being mentally present with your students, I definitely have to do that as well!

    Thanks for linking up!

    A Turn to Learn

  6. I implemented the CC last year and I agree. It was not that big of a switch from our state standards. Glad I found your blog!
    Funky First Grade Fun
