
Apples, Apples Everywhere!

Teaching My 3
Fall is in the air! Well, maybe everywhere else, except where I live. I love Fall! I love the cool weather, the change of colors in nature, the holidays-BUT I don't get it for very long because in Southern California it is still 100 degrees everyday. It's horrible! Doesn't Mother Nature know it is time for summer to move on out and for Fall to slowly blow it's way in? Since, Fall is not coming to us at the moment, I thought I would bring Fall into my classroom!

Yesterday afternoon we created these great apple glyphs in my class. The kids answered questions about their likes and dislikes about apples. We read a book about how apples grow and how many people go apple picking this time of year. The kids were really engaged in the activity and had a lot of opinions and questions that I was surprised about. Many of the kids had never heard of apple picking because it is not very common where we live.

I have very limited space to showcase things in my room. I decided to use the door to our classroom bathroom to create a tree and a bushel basket to display our apple glyphs. These apples are so darn cute. Some of them have worms and others have a bite taken out of them. The kids loved making them.
Beside it, I posted our graphs, glyph key and data that connected with our lesson. Yes, it is right below my lovely classroom thermostat. Hey, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do, right?

We are going to continue our lessons with the parts of an apple and how it grows and then connect it to how a pumpkin grows. We will be doing some comparing and contrasting of the two in the next couple of weeks. If you are interested in bringing the apple love to your classroom you can check it out HERE!

By the way, Heather at Heather's Heart is having a fabulous giveaway:
She is giving away $100 worth of awesome, teacher coveted  gift cards just because she loves her followers. Stop by and check it out! Happy Friday everyone!


  1. It is so nice to meet you! Thanks for leaving a comment on our blog. We are now following your blog.

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  2. Your door is so cute! I can't imagine living in CA where it is still 100 degrees! We are at a high of 58 tomorrow and I love it. Sweatshirts and jeans for me:) I am your newest follower and your blog is great!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

    1. I am jealous! Enjoy your cool, beautiful weather! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog:)
      Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  3. Fall is my favorite time of the year, and this one has been wonderful so far. Thank you so much for linking up to Fun Friday!

    Teaching Fourth

    1. Thanks for hosting such a great linky! Enjoy your fall weather. It will arrive here soon enough (I hope!)
      Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  4. I found you on Fun Friday! :) Your apples are darling. Please Visit P.J. Jots!

  5. I love how your apples have bites out of them. So cute!
    The Hive
