
Apple Abbreviations and a Frankenstein Treat

This week I was teaching abbreviations to my class and during the lesson I got this feeling that they just weren't catching on to how many things are really abbreviated in our world. Sure they know Mr. and Mrs., but do they know Gov. and Capt., Blvd. and Ln???? I knew I needed to take the lesson a little further to reinforce the skill because they are going to be tested on it this coming week through our district ELA test.

I created and set up a center with apple abbreviation cards for the students to practice matching whole words with the appropriate abbreviation. Some groups played a game of Memory with the cards, while others worked in pairs to just match the words up. I loved the interaction between the students. They had over 80 cards to match up and really took their time and worked together as a team. When all the cards were matched correctly, they filled in their student response sheet. 

Each student then created their own Abbreviation Apple. They wrote the word on the leaf. Then they wrote the abbreviation and used it in a sentence to create this:

They also created their own flip book with 3 words that I gave them. The first page is the name of the whole word. On the second page, the students write the abbreviation and on the third page they use the abbreviation in a sentence. 

The kids loved the activities. Whenever I have them make a craft to go along with a concept I am teaching them, they have NO idea that they are "learning". They think we are just doing a fun project. When I point it out to them that we are reinforcing a skill I taught them earlier, I always see the look of "shock and awe" on their faces. It's hilarious! It's like sneaking vegetables into your kids food without them knowing-just cracks me up!

Check out these adorable Halloween treats! I made these cute Frankensteins with my 5 year old yesterday for his school bake sale.
Just follow the regular Rice Krispie recipe and add green food coloring to the melted marshmallow mixture before you add the cereal. Let them cool a bit and then cut them into squares. Take each square and dip one end into melted chocolate.

Use colored frosting to make the eyes and mouth.

Add a pretzel stick and mini marshmallows to each side to look like Frankenstein's bolts and there you have it folks-edible Frankensteins for you kiddos delight! Easy-peesy! Enjoy!

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