
Are You the Next Jedi Master?

Star Wars and Math Facts??? Who would have thought the two could go hand and hand? I don't know about you, but I am always trying to figure out ways to get my students excited about learning their addition and subtraction facts by memory. I have always given my students timed math tests to force them help them learn their math facts. This year, I decided to I needed to get some more "buy in" from my kids. I redesigned my math facts unit and now they are hooked. They ALL want to be the next Jedi Master in our class (especially the girls)!
This is an example of a 50 problem test I give my students. They have 4 minutes to complete it with no mistakes. The packet also included 15 and 25 problem tests for addition and subtraction practice too.

Each week, after my students take their test, I send home a slip of paper that tells them if they passed their test and are moving to the next level or if they need to keep practicing.

I copy these on colored paper and have the kids cut them out. We then write the answers on the back together, hole punch them and put them on a ring. My students keep them in their desk for practice throughout the day. I also send them home with those students who are "stuck" on a level.
I use these student data graphs so students, parents and myself can see how each student is progressing through the levels. A green square means they passed the level. A red square means they did not pass. I really like this visual because I can quickly see how long a student has been at each level.

Common Core Math Standards
Addition and Subtraction Flash Cards 
15, 25 and 50 problem Addition and Subtraction assessments
Weekly Awards
End of Unit Certificate
Student Data Graphs

Grab your copy and check it out at my TpT store. I hope you LOVE it! Let me know what you think :)

1 comment :

  1. My boys last year would have loved this! They were Star Wars fans. I'd like to invite you back over to my linky party, Fun Friday. I have made a few changes, and I hope you will like them.

    Teaching Fourth
