
Fraction Fun

I know this may sound strange to some of you, but we just got our test scores from last year's state tests! I have been waiting and waiting because it was my first class since I switched to second grade and I wanted to see how they did! After looking everything over, we improved greatly from the previous year and I am thrilled! However, there is always room for improvement.....

One area that we need to review is fractions. So I went through our math unit and reviewed the lessons and saw where we needed to review and supplement for this year. There was much discussion, between my team partner and I, as to where we needed to focus our lessons and review for this unit. I am super excited about the unit I created! I think the kids are going to love it and take ownership of their learning.

The What's On Your Plate? fraction unit aligns with the Common Core standards for first, second and third grade. It includes standards posters, anchor charts, vocabulary cards and assessments. It addresses identifying fractions, putting them in order from least to greatest and vice versa and a craftivity where the kids make their own pizza using fractions. This unit is packed with skills that my students need. I can't wait to get into work tomorrow so I can get this ready for my kiddos to use. It will be on sale in my TpT store through Wednesday.

I am also working on creating a unit to help my students learn their math facts quickly and fluidly. I can't wait to share it with you soon.

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