
October Currently

It's finally here....the October Currently! I am linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for this month's currently.

1. I am sure many of us are listening to the same thing tonight. I think it is so important to be informed and to make an educated vote, so this debate is essential tonight.

2. OMG!!! I can't believe it, but I can officially say I have my own laminator! I have been talking about this for months and my mom surprised me at work today with a laminator! Our laminator at school has been broken since the beginning of the year and is not going to be fixed anytime soon. I have been giving my mom all the things I need laminated so she could take it to Lakeshore to get it done. (I know, I have an awesome mom! I agree!). Well, she dropped off the things I needed laminated as well as a Lakeshore laminator! Yes folks, Christmas has arrived early! Thank you, Mom!

3. For years, my team partner and I have tried to figure out how to implement a reading intervention program that worked for all of our students. I think we figured it out finally. You can read about it here. It ROCKS!

4. I love Fall! It is one of my favorite seasons. I just don't happen to live in a place where fall starts at the end of September. It has been over 100 degrees everyday this week. It needs to end! Time for some cool weather, PLEASE! I want to wear my jeans, boots and sweaters. 

5. There are never enough hours in the day to get everything done! Enough said!

6. I just read this book to my kiddos this week. They love it and it gets us all excited for Halloween.

I can't wait to read everyone's Currently for the month. Stop on by and link up!


  1. The weather seems to be a common spread across the currently' We've had quite a few hot 100 degree weather days in the past week. I live 30 min north of San Diego. I was just looking in my closet at my boots today and can't wait to wear them!!

  2. I am SO JEALOUS of your laminator. I saw how I can use Scholastic bonus points for one, maybe worth it. Don't know which brand to go with, do you have a preference? My school has a cold laminator, it's nice for posters but I prefer a hot laminator.

    I am attempting my first linky & following the rules - nice blog. My kiddos love Froggy's Halloween - for the "I'll pull down your underwear" line!


  3. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the October Currently! I am a SoCal'ite too and I CANNOT wait until Fall weather comes here. I want scarves, boots and jackets more than anything!
    Come and check out my current Currently!
    Fancy Free in Fourth

  4. I also love Fall, especially in Washington State. I like the idea of wearing scarves and boots to work on a daily basis. And I can't agree with you more, we need more time in our day!

  5. I said the same thing on the needing area. Don't you wish we could just freeze time so we could get a lot of work and sleep done? Me TOO!

  6. It's chillin off here in Cali (so it's not in the 100s) but still sportin shorts and a tank top. So ready to bust out cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes!
    Hopping over right now to read about your reading program. The suspense is killing me...
    Fluttering Through First Grade
