
November Currently and Blogger Shout Out

It is mind boggling to think that November has already arrived! This school year is flying by at lightning speed. I was taking down all the Halloween related items in my classroom today and started getting ready for all the Thanksgiving love that will be surrounding us this month.

A new month, means a new Currently from Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade. So here is what is going on in my world currently:

I feel like this week was crazy busy with Halloween and all, but it also seemed soooo long! I can't wait for the weekend. However, I must say, my weekends are usually busier than my weekdays. The thing that makes them great, as that my family is together and we get to be super busy as a family!!!

So, I need more time in the day (I guess I will get an extra hour this weekend with Daylight Savings but I don't think that will solve my problem) and I desperately need a kitchen remodel. I don't know about any of you, by my kitchen is in dyer need of an overhaul. I always hope in the back of my mind that I will run into some TV show at Home Depot looking for a desperate couple to have their kitchen remodeled.That would be me shouting- I need your help!!! Don't think it will be happening any time soon, but a girl can dream and consistently complain to her husband about it, right???

I want to give a big shout out and thank you to Lisa at Learning is Something to Treasure. Lisa featured my blog on her Fabulous Friday Blogger spotlight this week. She is an amazing lady who is so supportive and generous. I was lucky enough to just win a copy of her Duck for President Unit. If you haven't seen it, you need to check it out. It is perfect for this coming election week!
I can't wait to check out everyone's Currently this month. Make sure to link up.


  1. I love finding new blogs to read through Currently. Don't you love it too? I have been bopping around your blog and I love your ideas!

    Terri Izatt

  2. You and I are 'thinking' the EXACT same thing :)

    Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists

  3. Haha! My name is Jayme and I live in Cali too! Small world! I hear you about needing more hours in the day!! Geez!!

  4. HGTV always makes me want to remodel the house until I realize how expensive everything is.

    Come check out my currently!
    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

  5. We remodeled our kitchen last year. Trust me...BIG bill. It is beautiful, my I would rather travel.
    We get an extra hour yipeee!!! I guess, this is as good as it gets for ;extra' time :)
    My Second Sense

  6. I love the link ups! I get to find blogs like yours! I am your newest follower :)

  7. We have fall weather here in Illinois! It was 40 and sunny today, which is about as cold as I'd like it to get... sadly that is not a reality!! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  8. Hw fun that we must be close together! I teach in South Pasadena and am most definitely reay for fall. So tired of getting all gross and sweaty while teaching PE. I want fall! And hooray for the weekend and a 3-day weekend next time!

  9. Hi there - I stumbled onto your blog through Farley's Currently link-up...and am so glad that I did!

    I know what you mean about the weekends being busier than the week - I long for the weekends (especially after hectic weeks, like this past one!) and then I fill my days with catch-up and before I know it, I'm setting my alarm for Monday morning...crazy!

    Joy in the Journey
