
December Currently- OH MY!

The last month of the year-REALLY???? Unbelievable! Where has the time gone? I am linking up with Farley for this month's Currently.
Thinking about people and showing appreciation for them when they least expect it is the best form of flattery sometimes. There is a teacher at my school who anonymously leaves sweet gifts in people's boxes for no reason every once in awhile throughout the school year. When she "hits" me, I always know its her and quietly thank her. She never says anything-just a big smile. I love that! I want to do the same thing for different staff members too. Just a little something to lift the spirits. So many crazy things are happening in our school district. Morale is in the toilet to put it mildly. I think letting my colleagues know they are appreciated will help put a spring in their step even if it is just for a brief moment in time. 

Link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade and share your Random Acts of Kindness. I can't wait to read all of them!


  1. You are my hero! Your Christmas cards are ready already?!
    I need to plan ahead. We are such the last minute kind of family.
    My Second Sense

  2. I need to work on my Christmas cards, I usually get pictures done at JCPenny, but didn't make it this year. Hand write them I will! :)

  3. I just addressed my cards today, but caught a bug and was too lazy to venture outside to the mailbox. Sad, but true.

    I love your RAK, I was planning to do something similar. Morale not very good at my school either. I think that whenever we can lift one another up, we should.

    Primarily Speaking

  4. I love your random acts of kindness! Plus I too need finish my Christmas shopping.

    Stickers and Stamps

  5. We were thinking alike on our RAKS...but yours is more ambitious than mine. :)

    Growing Firsties

  6. I love that your hubby and little man are playing golf on the xbox. My hubby and son used to do that. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  7. Great idea for a RAK! I need to do something like that! You also seem to have a nice sweet!
    If you have time stop by my blog and enter my giveaway! ;)
    Thanks for sharing!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log
