
Five for Friday Shout Out Time!

First....yay three day weekend!!!! Second, I am linking up, on this fabulous Friday, with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

1. I don't know about all of you, but this seemed like the LONGEST week ever! Tuesday felt like Friday and Friday seemed like it was in the middle of the week-YUCK! And next week is a short week, which means it will seems extra long as well. NOT COOL!

2. I am super excited to be the Featured Friday Teacher over at Fantastic First Grade Froggies!
Every Friday, Renee features a different teacher and their blog! It was so fun to participate in! Hop on over and check it out!

3.Today I was given some pictures of my kiddos when they visited our school farm (yes, we have a farm at our school). I took each photo and made Valentine cards for the kids to give to their parents. I think the parents will love them!

4. I found out today I am going to be getting a student teacher in my class in the next few weeks! I really enjoy mentoring new teachers and inspiring them. I had a student teacher last semester and it was a pleasure to watch her grow from being timid and unsure of herself in front of the kids to commanding the class by the end of her time. I look forward to what lies ahead this time, as well! I feel being a mentor teacher is an honor and I can't wait for the experience again.

5. Today we had a commercial filmed at our next door neighbor's house and the film crew used our front yard as well! It was very last minute. They knocked on our door yesterday to ask if they could use our yard and they showed up at 7am this morning to set up. By the time I got home today, they were gone. Poof! Finished! I hope the commercial makes it through final edit so we can see it on TV. How cool would that be? 

Have a great weekend everyone! Don't forget to link up and share your Five for Friday!


  1. I love your blog and I am your newest follower, thanks to Math Maniac's giveaway!

    Mindful Rambles

  2. Yay! I love new followers! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment!

  3. What an exciting week! If you yard makes the commercial, you'll have to let us know which one to look for!

    Primarily Speaking
