
New Year Resolutions, Pen Pals and MORE!

Day 2 back to work is complete and I have to say- we are having a great week so far! Today we were able to complete our New Year Resolution Writing and Craftivity. 

The kids had a great time with this activity. First we discussed what a resolution was. Then we made a chart of resolution ideas for school AND for home.
Nothing fancy this time around. My on-the-spot drawings have a lot to be desired-BLAH. But, you get the idea. 
After our class discussion, my kiddos completed their own bubble maps of their resolution ideas.
Then, they wrote about one school and one home resolution they wanted to achieve this year.They had to include details about how they were going to accomplish their resolution too. Here is our finished New Year Board:
After I take down this bulletin board, I am going to bind all the kids' resolution writings together into a class book. At the end of school year, we will revisit their writings and see if any of them were able to achieve their goals. I guess you could think of it as a mini time capsule project. 

Today we also got a very exciting delivery to our classroom. Right before school was out, an awesome package arrived from our pen pals!!! The kids were so happy to hear from them. Look what was inside the box....
Halloween ghost letters, Thanksgiving letters and turkey lollipops and holiday mail!!! The kids were thrilled!

And finally, I want to give a shout out to my own kid. I am so proud of my third grader. He started school yesterday and was given a book report mobile project to be completed by next week. Over winter break, he read a biography of Jackie Robinson. He came home from school and wanted to get started on the mobile right away. The teacher's directions for the project were to have parents help their child complete the mobile. However, I have to say, my son did this on his own. The ideas are all his! I helped him draw the shapes and we had fun picking out different fonts for his facts! I think he did an incredible job!
I just needed to brag a little about my own kid! I would be thrilled as a teacher to have one of my students turn in a project like this. 


  1. Your bulletin board is super cute! I love it! I bet your kids were thrilled to hear from their pen pals-fun!!

    Primarily Speaking

  2. LOVE the bulletin board. Those pen pals are soooo late :) We will try to plan ahead for our January letters :)
    My son is reading a book about Jackie Robinson. How cool is that?
    Your son did such a great job. His teacher is going to have one great smile when she sees that.
    My Second Sense

    1. That is so cool that both boys are reading about Jackie Robinson. The kids loved their surprises today! Thanks so much.

  3. Hi Jaime!

    I love your New Years craftivities... so cute! I was wondering how you got hooked up with another class for Pen Pals. This is something that I'm interested in having my class doing, but not sure how to go about finding Pen Pals. Thanks for any help :) Glad you're having a good first week back!

    The Open Door Classroom

    1. Erin, I sent you an email with the details. Hope you got it! Happy New Year!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by and following my little blog!

  5. What a very cool bulletin board. I love it! The whole New Year's resolution theme was an excellent idea! Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much stopping by and reading my little blog. My kids loved writing about their New Year resolutions. I hope yours do too!

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