At work, I have spent the last two days completing the middle of the year Dibels testing for all of second grade. I love seeing the results because 99.9% of the time it reaffirms what is already known in class. The results help guide our instruction and re-evaluate our in class intervention lessons. I print out the individual results and send them home to the parents. It acts as a mini report card update for them. How do you use your school assessment results?
On a much more exciting note, I have spent the last few days working on completing activities for a mini unit to compliment the book There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose by Lucille Colandro.
My mom stopped by my classroom the other day and brought me a copy of the book. I was so excited and she said, "What are you going to make to go along with it?" (She knows me so well). I told her I didn't know at the moment, but something good. So I bought some new clip art and a few day later a mini unit was born!
This packet includes literacy and math activities to go along with the book. My students will sequence the book by cutting and pasting the story details in order.
Then they will choose one story detail and write and illustrate it.
The packet also includes ABC Order and Making Words. They are going to review their measuring skills by using their centimeter rulers to measure objects that were swallowed in the book. For some more math fun, they will solve math problems I SPY style!
I am so excited to have this unit ready, I also created a couple FREEBIES (graphing and sequencing) that go with the story as well. You can grab your copy by clicking on the picture below.
If you download a copy, I would really appreciate it if you left some "love" and let me know what you think of it. Thanks so much! Enjoy!
Thanks so much for the graphing freebie! Love it :)
The Brown-Bag Teacher
You are so welcome! I hope your kids love it.