
Five for Friday {on Saturday}

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for this week's Five for Friday on Saturday! I have a REALLY good reason why I am a day late...
1. So right after school yesterday, my family and I went to do this:

Yep, that is me in a giant air tube! We went skydiving at iFly! OMG, what an awesome experience! Friends of ours asked our family to join them on this incredible adventure. My boys (5 and 8) were so excited! When you get there, you watch a quick video to teach you hand signals you need to understand from your instructor while your are in the tube. Then we got suited up: earplugs, goggles, helmet and all! There are parts of your body that start flapping in the wind, that you didn't know could flap in the wind-HA!

2. After our adventure, we went to dinner at a Brazilian restaurant. If you have never been to this type of restaurant, they bring your food to the table on giant "swords" and cut off the pieces right in front of you! Another crazy, fun experience!

 Now on to some teaching fun!
3. We are in the middle of our telling time unit and my kids made watches and went around the room asking each other "What Time Is It? You can read more about this activity HERE. The kids loved it!

4. This week I ordered more of these from My Binding. I think I have been a laminating machine lately. I can't believe I already need more. 

5. And finally I completed activities to compliment my Wild and Wacky Weather Unit which we will be starting in a few weeks. I am super excited to use this unit. It has literacy activities, graphing practice, common core writing activities and craftivities. I am in the process of laminating and getting it all ready!


  1. Skydiving looks like fun. I am such a chicken I do not think I could ever try that, but I am glad I have a brave, fun friend :)
    My Second Sense

  2. Oh my goodness! That looks like so much fun :) I love the watches and just downloaded them. Thank you!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  3. Aahh skydiving looks like so much fun! I saw that on a TV show once and have always wanted to do it! I need to order more laminate from My Binding too. Thanks for the reminder!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. Wow! I cannot imagine skydiving! Wow! My husband is desperate to try one of those Brazilian Steakhouses!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  5. I'm a little behind on my blogging, but what a surprise to find out what a daredevil you are! I'm pretty sure I could not do the flying tube thing. You look like you're having fun though!!

    I'm telling you, I cannot wait until we get to our time unit! Your unit is waiting patiently in my wish list...yay!

    Primarily Speaking
