This center, Order Up, really helped my students grasp the concept of ordering fractions from least to greatest and then greatest to least. They always want to put the fraction with the largest number denominator as the greatest fraction!! NO! NO! NO! I think I did the crazy dance (pulling my hair and jumping up and down) when this happened while I was teaching. Today I was happy because my crazy outburst must have left an impression on them (good or bad) because they ROCKED this center. Totally and completely GOT IT!
At this center, students created fractions based on the number of vowels in a word, compared to the total number of letters in the word. Then, they came up with their other foods and made fractions with them as well.
These were the fraction pizzas the kids created at the very beginning of the week to get them Eating Up the idea of learning fractions! These center ideas are in my TpT store: Fraction Frenzy: What's On Your Plate?
We also were able to get our Valentine bags decorated today! Oh boy, are the kids excited about Valentine's Day. I think the THOUGHT of Valentine's Day is just enough to start their sugar high craziness!
I bought red lunch bags from Target and wrote their names on them. Then I gave them a bunch of foamy hearts and shapes and they went to town. I think I might add handles with ribbons tomorrow for extra leverage, but this is a great start!
If you are still looking for a last minute filler idea for this week of fun. Check out my There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose Freebie.
It includes sequencing of the story events and a tally and graphing activity. If you grab a copy I would love for you to let me know what you think of it.
We all need LOVE, right? Well, my friend Aimee from Pencils, Books and Dirty Looks is having a 400 follower giveaway!!

Some amazing bloggers have helped her out and there are a TON of free things to win! If you enter, you may get to choose anything from my little TpT store of your choice! Head on over and check it out. While you are there, make sure to give some love back and follow some of these wonderful bloggers and their stores if you don't already! Good luck!
Love those fraction pizzas!
Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
I love anything hands on and those centers (and pizzas) look likes tons of fun! Also, your lettering on the Val bags is adorable! I wish I had that talent. Sadly, I do not. Happy Valentine's Day!!
Primarily Speaking