
Bubblicious Fun

Oh my goodness, my friends... I have been trying to get a blog post written all week and every time I have a moment to do it, something has come up! So, now it is Thursday... better late than never!!! Where has the week gone?

We have been reviewing like crazy for our upcoming state testing which starts next week. I wanted to make sure my kiddos had a full understanding of prefixes and suffixes. This is all over our state testing and it can help the kids understand words they may not know the meaning of. I was busy this week trying to figure out ways to make this review a bit more fun for them. What kid doesn't like to make bubbles with bubble gum, right? So I created a unit called Prefix and Suffix Bubblicious Fun!

We started our week with review of basic prefixes and their meanings. I used anchor charts with a bubble to remind the kids that a prefix comes at the beginning of a root word.

We worked with the prefixes un, re, pre and dis and created sorting flap books.

Then we moved on to reviewing suffixes. I created anchor charts with bubbles that popped to help the kids remember suffixes come at the end of a root word.

I had the kids underline the root word and highlight the suffix and then they sorted them into the correct categories. I also had the kids write the meaning of the suffixes on the flap.

We have also been working in centers to review prefixes and suffixes as well. Tomorrow my kiddos are going make these cute guys as a quick assessment.
They will choose a prefix or suffix, a root word and then write the new word. 

Here is a sneak peek of all the things included in the Bubblicious Fun unit.

I hope you have all been having a great week! Happy Friday!


  1. That looks like a great activity! I put it in my cart:)

    1. Thanks so much! My kiddos loved it and I hope yours do too!

  2. How did you know I live gum? This looks like the perfect way to review this concept...with gum :)
    My Second Sense

    1. Thanks, Tania! Anything to get the kids excited about grammar, right? They thought it was great!
