
My Classroom Digs Revealed!

I am happy to say that I survived my first day of school today! I have a great bunch of kiddos and I can't wait to learn more about each one of them as the year progresses.

I am excited to be linking up with Blog Hoppin', Courtney from Swimming Into Second and Jessica from Tales of a First Grade Teacher to share my classroom digs with you! Be sure to check out their links at the bottom of this post.

This is a view of the main entrance to my classroom. It shows my classroom rules, student work cubbies, lunch and snack baskets etc.

This picture is a view of my room from my team partner's doorway.

This is our class birthday board which is on the door connecting to the room next to ours. I grouped the kids together and took pictures of them today.

This is our ELA Concept board to go along with our reading series! It features the Big Idea for the Unit, weekly theme connection, essential question for our weekly story, author's purpose, story genre poster, and a graphic organizer used to access information from the story.

This is our classroom banner that we just completed today. If you follow me on Instagram, you already got a sneak peek of this. All the templates for the banner are in my All About YOU unit along with several other getting to know you activities. I think the kids did an incredible job!
Our behavior clip chart and classroom helper board. The job description is written on each of the job pockets so students know the expectations of them.

This is a very new addition to my classroom-like TODAY new. I have always used hand signals in my room but I have never had visual reminder cues. I found these EDITABLE hand signals from Keeping It Captivating and I have fallen in love because I can make them work for me! I placed these in the front of my classroom above my alphabet cards.

This is my area to display student writing. I do NOT have very much bulletin board space so I made individual cork boards for each student and mounted them to my cupboards. Now I can hang a piece of writing from every student at the same time. The kids wrote clues about themselves and drew self portraits. Tomorrow we are going to read them and guess who each student is. This activity is also in my All About YOU packet.

Well, there you have it- an inside look into my home away from home! 

Now, head on over to Swimming Into Second and link up with Courtney to see some more incredible classrooms. Just click the link below to take you there.

I am also linking up with Jessica from Tales of a First Grade Teacher to share my classroom digs! After you check out her adorable classroom, link up and share yours too!
 I can't wait to see them all!


  1. It looks great!! I love the idea of putting the job descriptions on the job pockets; brilliant!

    Hope you have a fabulous first week of school!

    Primarily Speaking

  2. Hi! I found your blog through Blog Hoppin’ Teacher Week! The summer went too fast and I cannot believe it is that time of year again!

    I use hand signals too! They make guided reading time much more manageable! Good luck with your first week of school.

    Check out my Tuesday: Classroom Digs blog post!
    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

  3. Thanks so much for linking up with me! Your room looks great! I love the All About Me Banner--It is adorable.

  4. Jamie,
    I love your classroom! It looks great. I love your classroom rules poster.

    Ms Richards's Musings

  5. Your classroom looks great. I love the pennants with the kids on them. So cute! Thanks for linking up!

    Swimming into Second

  6. I love all the peaceful and pretty! It looks like a great place to learn!
