
Meet The Teacher Blogger {linky party}

I am excited to be linky up with Stephanie from Falling into First for her Meet the Teacher Blogger linky party.

Here's a little bit about me:
I married my college sweetheart. We just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. We have two amazing boys together. I will be starting my 16th year of teaching in Southern California. I have taught first, second and fourth grade. My heart is in second! I love my teaching partner and sweet little K-12 span school. I wouldn't change a thing.

Q&A Session:

Q: These are a few of my favorite things...
watching my boys play baseball and rooting for the Dodgers & Cubs, massages, manicures and pedicures and of course shopping at Target!

Q: If you weren't a teacher, what would you want to be?
Child advocate lawyer

Q: Three little words that describe you.
truthful, sarcastic, dedicated

Q: Finish this sentence, "_______________, said no teacher EVER!!"
I really love grading essays on the weekend, said no teacher EVER!

Q: It's your birthday and you can invite anyone (dead or alive) to the party. Who are you inviting?
My husband and kids!

Q: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?
Hawaiian Family Fun

Q: You get to pick one superpower. What is it?
To blink and make things appear or disappear!

Q: What is your favorite quote or saying?
Never let the fear of striking out get in your way! -Babe Ruth

Q: If you HAD to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
I sing but only in the car when I am by myself. I can't carry a tune to save my life

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
MORNING PERSON! I can't sleep in even if I try. Once I'm awake, that's it! And I fall asleep on the couch every night watching TV. I never get to finish a program. Thank goodness for my DVR.

Q: What is your favorite resource that you've created in your TPT shop?

My MATH and LANGUAGE Interactive Notebooks
I love having all the evidence of learning in one place, aligned to the Common Core State Standards!


My ELA and MATH Task Cards
 These were a game changer in my classroom. My kids love reviewing their skills now!

Q: Share something we might not know about you!
I have always wanted to go sky diving. Then I got married and had children. I had to be responsible. So, I went indoor sky diving instead! LOVED IT! No need to jump out of a plane now.

Tag you're it! Now it's your turn to head on over to Stephanie's blog, grab the buttons and questions and share a little about yourself too!


  1. I've always wanted to go sky diving, too! I think you're on to something with the indoor diving-- how fun! I enjoyed reading more about you! Have a great school year! :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  2. Whew---not so sure about the sky diving thing...even indoor! Yikes!! :) I can't carry a tune either but I sure do rock it out in the car! :)

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  3. I love Target!! A little too much! :) Indoor skydiving looks like a blast!! :)


  4. I used the same quote in our yearbook this year! Great minds...haha! Thanks for sharing!


  5. I can't carry a tune either! We should start our own show!

  6. That's my favorite picture of you ever!!! I may have to do it too!!

  7. I actually have gone skydiving! It was spectacular! I love your super power. I 've always wanted to be able to shoot fireballs out of my eyes- aimed at students not paying attention, of course!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  8. Hi there! Where in Southern California are you? I'm starting in 3rd grade this year at a K-8 charter in San Diego after a few years out of the classroom.

    Nice to meet you!

    Dawn @ Revenge of the Thirds

  9. I've always wanted to go sky diving too! I think it would be so fun!

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

  10. I don't know about you, my friend, but I really do love grading essays on the weekend. Sooo, not true! I'm totally with you one that one. I'd love to know more about the book title, sounds fun! And, finally, you are one of the most truthful (and sweetest) people I know, and that's why I love ya!

    Primarily Speaking

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