
Weekend Warriors: Back to School Cool Behavior Management Chart

From the second I greet my students and bring them into our classroom, my behavior management techniques begin! I use many different strategies to get "buy in" from the kiddos. However, my color coded behavior chart is the center of it all!

Every year I change how I display and hang this chart-UNTIL NOW! I have always used the side of one of my file cabinets. In previous years, I clipped the chart to metal hooks to hang it. By the end of the day, it was crooked or not hanging straight.  I also would place each students classroom number on a small clothes pin. Here's the bottom line: I HATED the clothes pins. They would break. The numbers would fall off. It was just a hot mess. It frustrated me that it did not work perfectly! This year though, things are different.

I am using the same chart MINUS the clothes pins. Instead, I decided to use these amazing adhesive magnets called Stick-A-Rounds from Really Good Stuff. I just peeled the paper off, stuck it to each students' round number and ta-da!

Now I don't have to worry about clips breaking, numbers falling off etc. The students don't even have to pick up the number and move it. All they have to do is use their finger to push it next to the correct color. I am already in love! These little magnetic dots are a game changer in my book. 

To hold the kids accountable for their behavior, they fill out this chart at the end of each day. They must fill in the circle with the color they end their day on. On Fridays, I send the chart home and their parents must sign it, so I know they saw it. The forms are returned on Mondays. Each student gets a ticket for our weekly prize box if they return their chart signed. This system holds the students and parents accountable for the behavior at school.

I hope you were able to get some new ideas for behavior management as you start your school year. I wish each of you an amazing year with your students. Now, hop on over to my other blogging friends and see what tips and tricks they have in store for you!


  1. Jaime, I love your idea of using magnets for your student numbers. My clip chart always got so heavy and kept falling down. It was such a royal pain that I stopped using it. Maybe I can give it another try your way. Most file cabinets are eyesores. This is a super suggestion to brighten up a boring space!

    Creative Lesson Cafe

  2. Super cute Jaime!! I love magnets! You are making me rethink my chart!!
    A Burst of First
