
Fabulous Fun for Friday!

This week FLEW by. It was only a four day week. We had off on Thursday and then returned for one more day of work today. Rough, people...very rough. I wish my school week was more exciting, but most of it was taken up with testing. I was doing ELA unit testing all week PLUS a mandatory district English language assessment test. However, I did manage to squeeze in a little bit of cuteness for the kiddos.

I was able to find time for my kiddos to review their number sense and fact family knowledge with this adorable craft from my sweet friend Deirdre at A Burst of First. You can grab this freebie by clicking HERE. Your kids will flip for it!
We started our unit about apples this week. My mom made homemade applesauce for all the kids to try! We graphed our results and it was another big hit with them.

If you follow me on IG, you know I spent some of my week preparing for Parent Conferences next week. I created new forms this year to streamline my preparation. Now I have all my documentation for conferences in one place. This Parent Conference Packet is on TpT and it is EDITABLE so you can customize it to meet your needs. It includes a personalized binder cover, parent conference note, reminder note, missed you at our conference note, sign in sheet AND 3 different student conference forms. I love the check off form the most. It saves so much time preparing for each conference. 
This is my first round braided challah. I made one plain and one raisin. The raisin challah only had crumbs left on the plate about 5 seconds after dinner started!!! (I should have taken a picture of the plate.) Requests have been made to only make raisin challah from now on! Hilarious! 

If you haven't already entered this giveaway, head on over and visit Sailing Into Second. My sweet friend Aris is hosting an incredible giveaway and it ends soon! There is something for everyone! You could even win something from my TpT store too!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and a fabulous weekend ahead!


  1. Hi Jaime! Your conference forms look great! Mine are coming up here before we know it!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  2. That bread looks amazing! I've never had challah with raisins, but it sounds delish! We are doing the fact family cookies on Monday and I just know that my kiddos are going to love it. Your kids did a great job!

