
Weekend Warriors Link Up: Favorite End of The Year Ideas

I can't believe it is the end of May and it is time for another fun Weekend Warriors link up! Where does the time go? Well, I know that my time has been jam PACKED winding down the school year with my kiddos, just like many of you! Report cards, cumulative records, packing up the classroom...these are none of my favorite things. Thank goodness this post will not be about any of that! I want to share my FAVORITE End of the Year activities I do with my kiddos before they leave for the summer. 

We only have 4 more days left of school! I just can't believe it! One activity I love to do with my students is this flip flop glyph! It is a fun way to bring the joy of the summer season into our classroom before everyone leaves. 
Each student makes a pair of flip flops based on how they answer questions about their feelings and the activities they like to do in the summer time. 
The kids love comparing and seeing how each other answered the questions. Then, they try to guess who belongs to each pair. You can find this activity, along with all the directions, templates and writing prompts in my Flipping Out For Summer pack. 

I also like to send my kiddos out the door with a summer packet of skills for them to review. On Friday, I had these Getting Ready for Third Grade packets and a special Survival Kit for Life from Molly at Lesson With Laughter on each students' desk. You should have seen their precious faces. Made my heart melt. 

Weekend Warriors is also inviting each of you to link up too! Just grab the image and monthly banner and create your own blog post about your Favorite End of the Year ideas. Then link up and join in on all the fun! I can't wait to see what you are all doing with your kiddos the last few days of school.


  1. Love your Flip Flops!!! Great idea! Happy Summer!

  2. Love your Flip Flops!!! Great idea! Happy Summer!

  3. The flip flop glyphs are adorable! Love them! I just prepped your packet for my second graders. No summer slide for them!

    Primarily Speaking

  4. I love the flip flop glyphs! It's so fun and engaging!

  5. I used your flip flops and writing prompt one year as our end of the year MEGA bulletin board! Maybe you remember seeing it on my blog. It was one of my favorites! :) I want to do it again next year for sure!

    Creative Lesson Cafe
