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I love a good mindless read in the summer time or anytime for that matter! I am not into thrillers or scary suspense books. I do love a little historical fiction AND I love any book that makes me fall in love with the characters and escape reality as much as possible.
One of my summer reading struggles is whether to get my hands on an actual book (my preferred way to read) or reading on my Kindle. Here is how it usually goes down.... I start off by purchasing an actual book. I read it and love it. Then I find out it is part of a series or I love the author and want to read more. This is where my Kindle comes in. I love instant gratification. I don't have to wait for Amazon Prime to deliver my book. If I am on vacay, I can continue reading instantly without skipping a beat or carrying bulky books with me on my carry on.
Lost and Found Sisters: In this story, Quinn Weller seems to have the perfect life as an up and coming chef in one of LA's hottest restaurants. Her life gets flipped upside down when she finds out that most of her life has been a lie and she is now the recipient of a strange inheritance. This is a fast read which will suck you in and have you quickly turning the pages.
Friday Night Lights: I am not a huge football fan at all BUT this book peaked my interest after a friend of mine told me about growing up in Texas during the time this story took place. I had to find out more. It's a true story about high school football heroes in Texas and how racial and social issues divided a community, the pressure these young high school boys had to achieve victory while inspiring and shaping their community. No pressure, right?
Party Girl: This is the first book in Rachel Hollis's Girl Book Series. After I read it, I was hooked! It's light reading and made me giggle like a school girl. Being from Los Angeles, I found it hilarious to read about the typical stereotypes of people's impression of the "rich and famous" that live here. There is a sweet and innocent love story attached to it that makes it that much better to read!
Sweet Girl: This is the second book in the series and highlights one of the BFFs of the main character in the first book, Party Girl.
Smart Girl: This is the third and final book in the series, highlighting the last girlfriend in the group. It is a fast and fun read, with different perspectives and interests of the characters I fell in love with.
Girl, Wash Your Face: Can you tell, I am a Rachel Hollis fan? When this book hit the shelves, it went on my must read list immediately. Being successful in all the different roles we play in our lives as women can be overwhelming and at times lonely. This book brings light to all negative self talk that can destroy our self confidence and squashes it like a bug!

Green Ninja: Jim Larsen is an inspiring speaker who has written his first book about pursuing your life dreams and lifting the limitations you set on yourself. He discusses 7 steps to take to awake the fire inside your belly and become a warrior in your life. I can't wait to be inspired and motivated to make the changes.
The Good Luck Sister: I want to read this book because it is a continuation of the characters' stories in Lost and Found Sisters. It will be an easy read and I can get lost in a good book once again.

Looking for more reading ideas? Check out my Summer Reading List 2017 too!
What is on your list for your summer reading pleasure? I'd love to hear about it. Leave a comment below. Who knows, it may be added to my list next!

Thanks for sharing this list with us. I've read Lost and Found Sisters, Friday Night Lights and Green Ninja. My friend recommended me long time ago to read Party Girl and since you've also shared the title on your blog, I am definitely gonna read it.